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Open Forum Invitation 8th February at 7.30pm

We invite you to join the first Open Forum Meeting of the year on Tuesday 8th February at 7.30pm at Christ Church, 953 Pershore Road B29 7PS.

Come along and participate. We will be feeding back progress made on the issues raised at the last meeting in October and future plans for building our community. We welcome your input into setting our priorities and how we can become more effective.


1) Welcome and apologies

2) Update of officer roles

3) Police and traffic matters

i) Traffic issues

(1) Police enforcement days

(2) Residents access to speeding equipment

(3) Dogpool Lane and Pershore Road Junction feedback from Councillors

(4) Rat running feedback from Councillors

ii) Councillors survey - Request feedback from residents

iii) HMOs and exempt multi agency enforcement day

4) Improving our Environment

i) Fly tipping – feedback from Councillors

ii) Mobile household recycling centres

iii) Wheelie bins – feedback from Councillors

iv) Litter picking group

v) Planters – maintaining them and proposed new planters.

5) Planning

i) Alumno – developer meeting

ii) Pure café

6) Flooding

i) River Rea island by Dogpool Lane Bridge

ii) Clearing of leaves

7) Community building

i) Spring event planned for 9th of April

ii) Request for other proposals

8) AOB

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